you're fighting for your land or your esteem not for me you're fighting for your stability not for me I want to hold you and not smother your independence prove to you that your attraction to me is not in vain but I can't because of my penis because of your penis this sucks being gay sucks loving you doesn't suck "you have a gift" you tell me as I work to please you because I knew you'd be gone and I wanted to make you happy I wanted you to miss me as you experienced th...
so this man claims to be bisexual and informs me that he plans on being confused for a long time the fact that he sleeps with women frankly grosses me out I don't want to think of him in the act and feel disgusted that the man who holds my heart sleeps with the opposite gender perhaps its just natural human jealousy kicking in I don't want to have to deal with 100% of humanity versus just 50% my previous man stated he had issues with my race not questioning being sexually attracted...
And the music changes what I was feeling a minute ago escape your reality by visiting someone elses today music- the strongest story teller tells me her story so well she has the milkshake and the boys are lined up and I walk like I'm her now your song comes on the one you told me reminds you of me and a more beautiful compliment, I have yet heard you are so cute do you know that the way you looked at me, the first time you showed me this song the way we both pretend not to...
oh Woody won't you be mine Woody come back to me cause I miss you so much I sit still as only the tears move tonight I knew all this , but you felt so good I knew, You knew tells me the veteraned as he consoles me the outsider best friend tells me to run away run away from the pain from something that I dove into myself so easy to label the victim or the opressor from my ivory tower but not this situation not tonight.
nothing but your presence soothes me and your missed phone call from the disadvantaged field wreck my inside try not to think about it and move on, move up but my heart is not with me my heart is gone over dramatic responses to noramally everyday action I'm so stupid for missing your phone call gosh I need to smoothe this pain over I need to recognize drinking will not solve the problem but it sure makes it easier I love you faggot I love you so much i miss you from the field...
I miss you and I would like to rationalize it. I find artifacts of your existence when I clean my room. When I roam the island that we both made beautiful. When I look at sad people, When I look at happy people. They all point somehow to you. You made me happy and I had to let you go. To prove something to yourself. To make other people proud. Will it hurt you that I am not proud. That I see you doing it just for yourself, or your internal desires. Remember what I said, don't th...
and my non-american americaness may come off as some 'wannabe' behaviour but my heart and my personality are shaped by my experiences marry me and make me normal I tell the world around just fucking make me normal marry me so I can become one of you one of the lost, adventurous souls that have never been lost with a history so short that vigour has kept you on top but i remain on the outside my drunken words comfort everyone and the tired drunken Indian sailor keeps no comfort ...
so what the fuck am I supposed to say how the hell am I supposed to feel you're toughing it out proving your manhood but you're dragging me down so we just met and we might have to part ways but I might not forget your delicious ways you bring me up and prove to me my heart is not in vain that clearer souls do run in pretty boys a man that makes me cry happy tears god bless america so the priti complex starts to appear the fear of being a spinster who ran away from settli...
you called for the first time today and now I can’t fall asleep you keep me up at night niggah and you can’t answer that kind of question I know you’re thinking about me right now And I hurt from the inside Cause I miss you more than I can bare How do I deal with this despair? I can’t be a victim to my heart again My baby My baby
so what the fuck am I supposed to say how the hell am I supposed to feel you're toughing it out proving your manhood but you're dragging me down so we just met and we might have to part ways but I might not forget your delicious ways you bring me up and prove to me my heart is not in vain that clearer souls do run in pretty boys a man that makes me cry happy tears god bless america so the priti complex starts to appear the fear of being a spinster who ran away from settl...
The invited significant never stops caring. When this love will finish, I don’t care to ask. He likes me for me and its kinda tearing me apart. Why you, I ask him? Why you? Those sappy love songs keep making more sense all of a sudden. A pure heart, a love that’s not dirtied by daddy’s abusive habits. 2 non issue people coming together to create a union of peace and love. Finally. I want to eat him up like a muffin with butter on top. Makes me salivate just thinking about him. ...
i miss you but i can't even talk to you I can't even attempt try to break up with you and watch you save the relationship I can't have a break down and sit in relaxation as I see you feel my pain i want to be infatuated (sp) with someone i can touch someone I have to prevent myself from being over reaching towards snail mail sucks and even then I have to be cautious without regular stimulation, my emotions have no guidance to me thats whats a relationship is about listening to you...
so its always about you and when you get a day full of rejections you're not so fucking confident there are you, you stupid mother fucker. who the fuck made you believe you where all special anyways. pick yourself off the fucking trash floor where you belong. try to pick yourself up, you fucking loser. okay so now that thats all out of my system what am i gonna do. over priced over valued lessons sitting in a dark street corner of an underliving street. suck these balls you tell ...
what have I really fallen in love with. you or the gifts of your country. what do I miss? you or the hollywood/walmart fantasies that have been fed to me as par? i miss your embrace, your presence, your passion. would it be easily replaced by a fellow countryman? you accept me but your land rejects my existence, do I feel like your further acceptance is payback to the land that turned me away? now that you're gone, I sit in emptiness. the lone person in the bar that smiles aw...