If you ask me where I'm from, I get all confused and irritated. I finally thought of a location that will let you create assumptions that I'm comfortable with...............
Published on May 7, 2005 By propagandhi In Philosophy
what have I really fallen in love with.
you or the gifts of your country.
what do I miss?
you or the hollywood/walmart fantasies that have been fed to me as par?

i miss your embrace, your presence, your passion.
would it be easily replaced by a fellow countryman?

you accept me but your land rejects my existence,
do I feel like your further acceptance is payback to the land that turned me away?

now that you're gone, I sit in emptiness.
the lone person in the bar that smiles away the acceptance of those under me.

hanging out with your bedroom acquaintances only tickles this emotion more
and you're gone for a fucking long time.

jim bob or whatever new people I meet do fill a good position.

the role of the not so cool, underpriveleged minority/majority in a heartless institution looking for an answer to happiness.

the role of the somewhat more stable, outsider, that feels your pain and has felt it before, that takes your struggle in an non degrading, intellectual manner and mixes in emotion only as wanted and presents it to you like you where missing something. gives you the same shit with different packaging. i expect you to be thrilled forever and never stray because my love is so overwhelming, whatever.

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