so its always about you and when you get a day full of rejections you're not so fucking confident there are you, you stupid mother fucker.
who the fuck made you believe you where all special anyways.
pick yourself off the fucking trash floor where you belong.
try to pick yourself up, you fucking loser.
okay so now that thats all out of my system
what am i gonna do.
over priced over valued lessons sitting in a dark street corner of an underliving street.
suck these balls you tell the world.
tell whatcha call it (shore) i don't have access to yahoo
you know how he is, he understates things, but really he means alot.
whatever fuck that
uggh, I'm so angry today, so dissapointed in humanity
so underfunctioning
I want to slowly destroy myself
i want to make a bigger mess
i want to scream
i guess I'll just settle for a ciggarette.
right pathetic little brown fat faggot smoking in the corner as his his belly over pronounces himself
and the filipino hookers are all gone now
their over perfumed selves are replaced by these non showering dorky yet good looking japanese school children.
dont smoke,