you go girl
this is my anthem
this should be (gosh I forget the word, an artists main song that they're kinda known by, perhaps their first hit) my __________.
got lost in a deep thought
but she brings the rhthym
to my heart
what about that weekend with beverly hill
and I've seen you walking with long legs louise
and you where just talking last night with denise
whose bed have your boots been under
this time did it feel like thunder baby
is she the one that you've been missing
well whose bed have your boots been under
i shouldn't be so mean
but he really gets under my skin
i miss chris
so much
try the operator maybe she'll be free
whose bed have your boots been under
whose heart did you steal I wonder
you're an opinion leader of the group
that's right lottie
it's because you're british
that was kinda funny
now she's playing a sad song for me
and she just might make me cry
i'm trying to pick up the pieces
already fallen
and put them back where they belong
so slow down your horses
stop dragging me around
and if crying is the only way into your heart
then leaving is the only way out
we slammed every door in anger
and we've opened wounds we can't mend
and one night lonely
is one night too many
don't want to wake up to one more night that wont end
typing slowed down the tears
you really shouldn't listen to country says the goomb
and my heart hit the floor but your feet just kept walking
i'll be okay
i just need to fucking shower
david richard 'i'm not gay' would be nice
but I can't regress like that
gosh this mix is really good
better name days
jon is playing me like a fool
he's making me work too hard
and my game is not up to par
but he's so cute
i want a piece before he leaves
donde estas?
donde estas mothafucka
gosh I smell real fucking bad
give me a shower for gods sakes
hump hump hump get it
shake a lil somethin
where is your motherfucking heart?
your god damn heart.
you fucker
i'll pay for the hookers dude
donde estas corazon?
shakira, what's up
what's up