so here's the deal my everything
here's the deal
I cried so much last night, I thought I was breaking
I haven't cried that much prob since middle school
and I've been through some pretty horrible shit
I'm fighting the tears as I write this
I've never had that feeling before
so I can take care of my work shit
and you do what you have to do with sam
I will move there mostly for you
you will be on my mind
but I can't take this feeling so wonderful
but knowing that you're here only for a day
that tommorow you'll be looking for something else
not because you aren't thinking about me
but because you want to
only because YOU want to
I love you and want you to do what you want to do
but I have to keep my life mobile, upwardly that is
as soon as I take care of my shit
you come out
then get out
if shit happens like the inevitable war with China
or whatever your employer decides to do
then I guess we're fucked
because they're not gonna let a hard worker like you go
so maybe slack off a lot
and then tell them
regardless, I can't be with you without my love growing
honey you like miracle-gro
and I know that if I feed my plant your miracle-gro until march
and then take it away
I'll go fucking crazy
and take that previous line in the most serious way possible
mmm... about as serious as war and shit
my friend jon, has like lived the past 5 years remembering some girl named wendy that he dated
he talks about her every fucking day
and tells every girlfriend about her
and doesn't stop talking about her
at least 3 times a fucking day
every day
you'll be my wendy if you don't take this offer
I just hope I wont sound as repeatitious as he does
I can only hope