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If you ask me where I'm from, I get all confused and irritated. I finally thought of a location that will let you create assumptions that I'm comfortable with...............
What haircut will a white guy be attracted to?
Published on October 20, 2004 By
I need to fuck a gringo so bad this weekend.
The need is not even funny. I want to enveloped in a pool of lily white freshness, so my dirt people anxiety fades.
My hair is all grown out on my face and on my head.
My head looks so fucking third world.
I'm thinking if I cut my hair on my face and on my hair to approximately the same level.
And trim the hair on my face to look even and balanced.
I'll get laid by a gringo.
Perhaps I'm addicted to white loving for too many reasons that I can't explain.
God my fucking parents are so fucking fresh of the boat and it kills me living with them.
But I'm in the last days of being young and impressionable and the stay here can only be a positive influence.
I need to fucking get laid.
This addiction is crazy, It's fucking overwhelming.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
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label this you over sensitive, over self-appreciating loser
the music bounces off my happy bubble
on Oct 20, 2004
But I'm in the last days of being young and impressionable and the stay here can only be a positive influence.
You're an adult and need to accept this ,once you do then maybe this will enable you to realize that you control your desires. If you want to move ahead. Living with your parents has created the lack of responsibility which is carrying over into other areas of your life. Are you afraid of growing up? Did you ever think maybe this is why things are not working out the way you wish they would?
Have a good day~!~
~Peace,Love,Health & Happiness~Extended to you
on Oct 20, 2004
I was a bigger hornball when I didn't live at home. I stay at home more as a favour to my parents because of their cultural beliefs, I would have moved out yesterday if they didn't make me feel so guilty about it. Although your statement about lack of responsibility carries some weight.
Overall, I'm happy Cam, I'm just dealing with identity issues like race. Well mostly race. lol
on Oct 21, 2004
If you continue this path of not accepting who you are it will ultimately destroy not only you but those around you who truly love you.
Have a good evening~!~
~Peace,Love,Health & Happiness~Extended to you
on Oct 21, 2004
Cam, do YOU know who you are?? it's not as easy as you try to make it out to be you know!
on Oct 22, 2004
YEs I am quite comfortable in my skin and know that when someone is not it causes issues.
Have a good night~!~
~Peace,Love,Health & Happiness~Extended to you~!~
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